adjectives + prepositions

 0    9 schede    ZbigniewStonoga
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ubogi w
inizia ad imparare
deficient in
podatny na
inizia ad imparare
vulnerable to
pełen niebezpieczeństw
inizia ad imparare
fraught with dangers
niezależnie od
inizia ad imparare
irrespective of
irrespective of the weather
wywodzic sie od czegos
inizia ad imparare
trace back to sth
The school traces its history (back) to the early 19th century.
poblazac sobie robiac cos
inizia ad imparare
indulge in sth
They went into town to indulge in some serious shopping. She has never been one to indulge in gossip.
wystrzegac sie
inizia ad imparare
beware of
When you're in Egypt, beware of drinking tap water.
walczyć z
inizia ad imparare
fight against
niezbędny do
inizia ad imparare
essential for

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