Adverbien HIN und HER

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Please sit down with me
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Setz dich doch mal her zu mir
go abroad
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ins Ausland gehen
It is very difficult to get there without a car
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Da kommt man ohne Auto sehr schlecht hin
lie down
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from there
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dorther = von dort
How can you leave?
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Wo geht's hinaus?
The window looks out onto the courtyard
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Das Fenster geht zum Hof hinaus
look out the window
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aus dem Fenster hinausschauen
I'm going down
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Ich gehe hinunter
I'm going out for a minute
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Ich gehe kurz mal raus
How do I get out of here?
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Wie komme ich denn hier raus?
go up the stairs
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die Treppe rauf gehen
I'll send that over to you in a moment
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Ich schicke dir das gleich rüber
Are we going over?
to the other side of the street
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Gehen wir rüber?

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