Agata 15th Feb (50 min)

 0    28 schede    pkempkiewicz
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Domanda Risposta
rymuje się
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it rhymes
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a tear
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to achieve sth
What did you achieve last year?
bułka z masłem
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a piece of cake
Jak poszło?
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How did it GO?
Poszło dobrze.
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(It went) well.
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a valentine / a valentine card
Did Ula help you with making this valentine?
Ona to zrobiła sama.
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She made it by herself.
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to snore
interesować się czymś
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to be interested IN sth
Czym się interesujesz?
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What are you interested in?
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Kocham cię nad życie.
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I love you to the MOON and back.
Jesteś moim oczkiem w głowie.
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You are the apple of my eye.
zmuszać kogoś do zrobienia czegoś
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to force sb to do sth
soczysty buziak
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a big fat kiss
On dał Heli poduszkę.
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He gave Hela a cushion. / He gave a cushion TO Hela.
On dał mi bukiet kwiatów.
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He gave me a bunch of flowers.
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an envelope
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impressive / mind-blowing
w tym roku
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this year
w tym tygodniu
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this week
w zeszłym roku
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last year
Musiałam pomóc mojej teściowej.
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I had to help my mother-in-law.
dlatego nie spotkałam się z tobą
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that's why I didn't meet UP with you
kontrola lekarska
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a check-up
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an orthodontist
I've got to see an orthodontist this week.

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