Agata 1st April (45 min)

 0    16 schede    pkempkiewicz
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Domanda Risposta
puszczać bączka
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to toot
Your toots are so smelly.
a toot
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to fart
Stop farting!
pogodzić się z czymś
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to make peace with sth
She finally made peace with the fact that her husband wants to get a divorce.
to było nieodpowiednie (nie na miejscu) pytanie
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it was an inappropriate
Myślę, że oni adoptowali dwoje dzieci.
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I think they adopted two kids.
Prima Aprilis
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April Fool's Day
oszukać kogoś
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to fool sb / to trick sb
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flip flops
Ona przewróciła oczami.
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She rolled her eyes.
on maże cię skarcić
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she might tell you off
karcić kogoś / strofować
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tell sb off / to scold
Stop telling him off. / Stop scolding him.
Jestem W basenie.
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I'm in the pool.
Jestem pod prysznicem.
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I'm in the shower.
na basenie (niekoniecznie w wodzie)
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AT the pool
Chodźmy do domu.
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Let's go home.
NEVER: Let's go TO home.
Czas, żebyśmy poszli do domu.
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It's time (for us) to go home. / It's time we WENT home.

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