Agata 26th Aug (50 min)

 0    15 schede    pkempkiewicz
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Domanda Risposta
jak do tej pory, wszystko ok
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so far, so good
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Ona ma termin w październiku.
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Her due date is in October.
obrazić kogoś
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to offend sb
He did not mean to offend anybody with his joke.
I didn't mean to offend you.
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to gain weight / to gain weight
przytyć 30 kg
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to gain 30 kg
She gained 20 kilos during pregnancy.
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to lose weight
Ona chce schudnąć 30 kg do końca roku.
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She wants lose 30 kg by the end of this year.
do końca tego miesiąca
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by the end of this month
Jestem na diecie, bo chcę schudnąć.
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I'm on diet because I want TO lose weight.
do not say: lose my weight
Tak myślę.
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I think so.
Nie sądzę.
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I don't think so.
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a stepfather
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a cooker / a stove
She put a pan on the stove.

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