Agata 28th June (40 min)

 0    17 schede    pkempkiewicz
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Jestem bardzo zmęczona.
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I'm pooped.
To było bardzo śmieszne.
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It was very funny.
Było fajnie.
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It was fun. / We had fun.
To był dobry weekend.
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It was A good weekend.
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on zdenerwował ją
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he made her upset
działać komuś na nerwy
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to get on sb's nerves
Ona musiała opiekować się swoimi synami.
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She had to look after her sons.
w cieniu
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in the shade
na słońcu
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in the sun
Nie znam ich dobrze.
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I don't know them well.
Ona urodziła się w Polsce.
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She was born in Poland.
mimo że
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even though
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give it a go / give it a shot
Jestem przeziębiona.
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I was under the weather. / I was unwell.
Nie mam wyboru. Muszę to zrobić.
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I have no choice. I have to do it.
Nie mogę znieść upału.
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I can't stand the heat.

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