Angielski 20 09

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Delude, tantalize, cherish illusions, be under a delusion,
zalewać, zatapiać
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flood, sink engulf, deluge, innundate, glut (market)
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incite, instigate
zrzec się prawa (do czegoś)
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to waive the right, resign, relinguish
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inherit, heir to the Belgian throne
dostać napadu złości, wpaść we wściekłość
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throw tantrum
zgasić o (silniku), opóźnić, przeciągnąć, utknąć w martwym punkcie, zwodzić, zbywać
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The engine of my car stalled in the middle of the street. He tried to stall the conversation by asking strange questions. Quit stalling, and get to the point. Don't stall me. I'm running out of my patience!
zakasać rękawy
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roll up your sleeves
przykrywka, maska
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cover, front (for illegal business, money laundering)
łagodny, zbawienny, dobroczynny
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gentle, beneficial, benevolent, benign
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trump card
trąbić, górować, przewyższac
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honk, trump blow, trumpet, hoot,
przewyżsać, górować
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excel, exceed, surpass trump, tower, overtake
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exorbitant, exaggerated, extravagent, bloated
nadbrzmiewać, nadymać
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swell, inflate, bloat
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arrange, engineer, orchestrate, contrieve
parostatek / parowiec
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steamboat / steamer, paddle steamer
pancernik (statek)
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battleship (ship), ironclad
ujście rzeki
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estuary, mouth
Baran (znak zodiaku)
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Aries (zodiac sign), ram
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spot, discern, descry, make sth out
paplać, trajkotać
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chatter, twitter, babble, blab, blabber, chipper, jabber, gab, pratle, prate, smatter, tatter, blatter, chaffer, gibble - gabble
I won't blab your secret.
odnieść odwrotny skutek, obracać się przeciw komuś
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backfire, to have the opposite effect, turn against someone
lipa, oszustwo, pozór,
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komplikacja, problem
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wystawić do wiatru
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double cross

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