Angielski 20 09

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Domanda Risposta
dopasować się
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blend in with, adjust, mold, attune, adopt
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match, tailor, fit, align, customize
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rile up
nędznik, nieszczęśnik
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a wretched man, wretch
poddać się ciśnieniu
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succumb to pressure
chlapać, rozbryzgać
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splash, plash, spatter, slosh
szach, impas
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stalemate situation, to be in stalemate
niepokoić, przeszkadzać
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to disturb, bother, disconcent
wstrząsnąć opinią publiczną
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agitate, public opinion / public
zabiegać, starać się
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strive, court fame/ sb's respect / girl
obalić (teorię)
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refute (theory) disprove, rebut, repudiate,
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turn, cusp
I was born on the cusp of the 80's
rozstrajać, deorganizować
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disrupt, disorganize, unsettle
niepokojące fakty
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unsettled facts
załadować / rozładować statek
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load / unload the ship
drobiazgowy, skrupulatny
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meticulous, elaborate, circumstancial, painstaking, fastidious
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cargo, shipment
dochód, przychód
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income, income, proceeds
Sell the house and divide the proceeds.
oszustwo, podstęp
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fraud, trickery, diception, Craft stealth gambit guile wile cicumvention contrievance Sting artifice
obciążający (evidence), potępiający
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aggravating (evidence), damning
cieknąć, przeciekać
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leak, trickle
sok z rośliny witalność, osłabić
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osłabić nadwątlić
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weaken dim, lessen, impair, allay
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to isolate, insulate
napompować koła
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inflate the wheels
makabryczny, potworny
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gruesome, monstrous, grisly, bloodthirsty ghastly
cofnąć się, wzdrygnąć
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balk, shudder, recoil jib shrink flinch, cringe blench
inizia ad imparare
a scandal, furor
kajdany, pęta
inizia ad imparare
shackles, ties
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