Angielski Berlitz 2

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Domanda Risposta
pozycja finansowa
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financial position
sprawozdania finansowe
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financial statements
koszty ogólne
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Why is our overhead so high?
banknoty płatne
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notes payable
zaświadczenie o dochodach
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income statement
atut, zaleta
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osiągnąć zysk
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to turn a profit
I'm sure we'll turn the profit in the next year
w długach
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in debt
My company is in debt.
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I know the business owes money but I'm not sure exactly what your liability amount to
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Our assets would equal about $250000
wykres kolumnowy
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bar chart
If you look at this diagram you can see that the bar chart is divided into 5 bars
sprawozdanie z przepływów pieniężnych
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cash flow statement
According to this cash flow statement we spent $50000 last year and earned 75000.
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balance sheet
Balance sheet shows our assets liabilities and capital
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As you can see this chart is divided into 5 different parts or segments
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We need to lower our expenditures.

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