Animals in Italian

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animali (
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cane (m.)
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gatto (m.)
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topo (m.)
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coniglio (m.)
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criceto (m.)
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cavallo (m.)
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maiale (m.)
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mucca (f.)
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uccello (m.)
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leone (m.)
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tigre (f.)
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serpente (m.)
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rana (f.)
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coccodrillo (m.)
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giraffa (f.)
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elefante (m.)
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pappagallo (m.)
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pesce (m.)
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salmone (m.)
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tonno (m.)
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canguro (m.)
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mammifero (m.)

Study Animals in Italian

If you thought about learning Italian, This lesson will teach you basics of Italian. Animals in Italian are not difficult to remember and extremely useful no matter what is our motivation to study Italian. What's more, not only will you learn some vocabulary in Italian but will also have an opportunity to practice your Italian pronunciation, thanks to our audio recordings of Italian words. Each word in our Animals in Italian lesson has an image that makes the learning process efficient.

Motivation to master Italian

Learning Italian will give you access to various books, movies or even memes, created in Italian. Speaking Italian language will allow you to travel more freely, meet new people and have a new entry in your CV! Or simply use this new knowledge to impress your family by speaking in Italian! If that's not enough for you, think about it as a challenge or Learning a new language is surely not so widespread. You could achieve a admirable result "almost" alone!

How to learn Italian quickly

Our tool makes everything easy: you see a picture of the word, together with a Italian translation, and remember it! Then, you hear the Italian pronunciation of the word and voilà your Italian language vocabulary starts expanding. Just 5 minutes of daily effort is enough to remember Animals in Italian for good!

Learn Italian fast and efficiently!

VocApp will not only show you how Animals are written in Italian, but also show you how to pronounce a given word in Italian. Also, you may want to try our dictionary-based flashcards creating tool. Start creating your own vocabulary lists and see how easy, fun and efficient it is. Whenever you will need to check a word, you will be able to add it to a lesson. Besides, you will see suggestions of similar words that you can add to your lesson with only one click!

Other Flashcards on Italian that might interest you!

Give us a chance and start with our lesson on Animals in Italian! You will love it! Click on a link below and take a look at our Italian language courses and don't forget to check our other flashcards on Italian language.

Study useful Italian online and attain systematic learning.

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