Anything, Something, Nothing

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Masz mi coś do powiedzenia?
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Do you have anything to tell me?
Mam Ci coś do powiedzenia.
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I have something to tell you.
Czy ma pan coś do oclenia?
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Do you have anything to declare?
Nie mam nic do oclenia.
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I have nothing to declare.
Nic nie zrobiliśmy w weekend.
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We did nothing at the weekend.
Chcesz coś jeszcze?
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Do you want anything else?
To wystarczy.
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That is enough.
Czy coś jest nie tak?
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Is anything wrong?
Jeśli przypomnisz sobie coś jeszcze, daj nam znać.
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If you remember anything else, let us know.
Czy potrzebujesz czegoś jeszcze?
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Do you need anything else?
Masz coś na myśli?
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Do you have anything in mind?
Chcę coś zjeść.
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I want to eat something.
Nic złego nie powiedziałem.
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I did not say anything wrong.
Widzisz coś?
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Can you see anything?
Nie stój tam tak. Zrób coś!
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Don’t just stand there like that. Do something!
Nie mam z tym nic wspólnego.
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I have nothing to do with it.

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