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abide by
You'll have to abide by the rules of the club
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absent from
powstrzymywac sie od
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abstain from
He abstained from alcohol
w towarzystwie kogos
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accompanied by
Andre's words were accompanied by a smile
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according to
wyjasnic, brac pod uwage
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account for
Lauren could not account for her mistake - Lauren nie mogła wyjaśnić swojego błędu
oskarżyc kogos o
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accuse sb of
przyzwyczajony do
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accustomed to
I have become accustomed to watching the 5am news, not the 5pm news.
zaznajomiony z
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acquainted with
He was also well acquainted with Greek literature.
uzależniony od
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addicted to
odpowiedni dla
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adequate for
We took adequate food for the holiday.
przyległy do
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adjacent to
He sat in an adjacent room and waited.
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advantage of
rada odnosnie czegos
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advice on
oczekiwać, tesknic za
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long for
ustawic(stoliki/krzesła), ustalić (date)
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arrange the tables
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convenient date
popyt/ zapotrzebowanie
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klęska/kataklizm/ nieszczęście
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być w siódmym niebie
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be on cloud nine
być w siódmym niebie
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be in seventh heaven
przekazać komuś wqżną wiadomość/informacje
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break the news to somebody
the police had to break the news to the child's parents
skontaktować się z kimś, być w kontakcie z
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get hold of somebody
I can't get hold of him
mieć od kogoś wiadomości
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hear from sb
I haven't heard from them since they moved abroad
zadzwonić do kogoś
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give somebody a ring
I will give her a ring when I'm back home
napisać do kogoś parę słów (list e-mail)
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drop somebody a line
drop me a line when you get there
Trzymać coś w tajemnicy
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keep quiet about something
we'd better keep quiet about it for now
ogólnie wiadomo Powszechnie wiadomo
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be common knowledge
it's common knowledge that's the Earth is round
utrzymywać kogoś w nieświadomości, nie mówić komuś czegoś
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keep somebody in the dark
our dog died and our parents kept us in the dark as we were on holidays as they didn't want to upset us
nie pisnąć ani słówka
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not breathe a word about/ of something
I won't breathe a word about what's happened yesterday
być w kontakcie z kimś
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be in touch with somebody
I haven't been in touch with her for 2 weeks
skontaktować się z kimś
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get in touch with somebody
I will get in touch with you when I have time
pozostać w kontakcie/ utrzymywać kontakt
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keep in touch with
stracić kontakt z kimś
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lose touch with sb
I lost touch with her when she moved to another city

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