Apr 04 (1) ED5W_2019_12_02

 0    5 schede    pavelabramov
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Domanda English Risposta English
Her refusal to answer was tantamount to an admission of guilt. Synonym equivalent. critical speech was seen as tantamount to terrorism
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being almost the same or having the same effect as something, usually something bad:
He's an effective enough politician but somehow he lacks the statesmanlike gravitas of a world leader.
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seriousness and importance of manner, causing feelings of respect and trust in others:
He is a man of dignity and calm determination. She has a quiet dignity about her. I think everyone should be able to die with dignity.
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calm, serious, and controlled behaviour that makes people respect you
subversive elements/groups in society subversive ideas/influences
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trying to destroy or damage something, especially an established political system
Young and exuberant, he symbolizes Italy's new vitality Soviet people gave themselves a chance to break exuberantly free
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(especially of people and their behaviour) very energetic:

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