Arlena Witt Delulu – co to znaczy? | Po Cudzemu #284

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żyjący w iluzji/fantazji
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oderwany od rzeczywistości
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Delusional thinking led him to believe they were plotting against him. If you think that plan will work, you're delusional.
Masz omamy, bredzisz.
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You are delusional.
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Don't go getting delusions of grandeur (= a belief that you are more important than you actually are). He was suffering from paranoid delusions and hallucinations. Love can be nothing but a delusion.
w złudzeniu, że...
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under the delusion that...
They are under the delusion that the virus has gone away.
łudzić, mamić, zwodzić, oszukiwać, okłamywać / SYNONYM deceive
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Don't be deluded into thinking that we are out of danger yet.
oszukiwać samego siebie
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delude oneself
He's deluding himself if he thinks it's going to be easy. She had been deluding herself that he loved her.
1) fantasta (N) - osoba, która żyje w jakiejś fantazji i idealizuje rzeczywistość 2) adjective = delusional - żyjący iluzją lub w fantazji
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