Article #21 Daily Schedule

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I (wake up) every morning at seven o'clock.
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(Acordo) todas as manhãs às sete horas.
I take a shower.
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Eu tomo banho.
I eat my breakfast.
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Eu como meu café da manhã.
I usually have toast or cereal.
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Eu costumo comer torradas ou cereais.
I brush my teeth.
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Eu escovo o meu dente.
I (put on) my clothes.
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(Coloquei) minhas roupas.
I catch the school bus.
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Eu pego o ônibus da escola.
I ride to school.
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Eu vou para a escola.
In my class, we have math and English (before) recess.
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Na minha turma, temos matemática e inglês (antes) do recreio.
At recess time, the girls skip, or walk around and talk.
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No recreio, as meninas pulam ou andam e conversam.
The boys play in the playground or play baseball.
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Os meninos brincam no parquinho ou jogam beisebol.
After recess, we have physical education and geography.
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Após o recreio, temos educação física e geografia.
We eat lunch, and then we play outside.
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Almoçamos e depois brincamos lá fora.
When the -bell- rings, we (line up) to go back into the classroom.
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Quando a -campainha- toca, nos (alinhamos) para voltar para a sala de aula.
After lunch, we have history and science.
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Depois do almoço, temos história e ciência.
At recess, we play ball again.
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No recreio, jogamos bola novamente.
Some of girls play ball too.
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Algumas meninas também jogam bola.
In the winter, we build (snowmen).
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No inverno, construímos (bonecos de neve).
If it is too cold, we stay indoors and talk to each other.
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Se estiver muito frio, ficamos dentro de casa e conversamos.
After recess, we have music and health.
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Após o recreio, temos música e saúde.
We (get out) of school at three thirty.
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(Saímos) da escola às três e meia.
I sometimes walk home with my friends, or I take the bus.
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Às vezes vou para casa com meus amigos ou pego o ônibus.
I have a (snack) and change my clothes when I get home.
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Tomo um (lanche) e troco de roupa quando chego em casa.
I change into my pajama.
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Eu visto meu pijama.
If it is raining, I watch television.
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Se está chovendo, assisto televisão.
If it is nice outside, I play with my friends.
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Se estiver bom lá fora, brinco com meus amigos.
I have supper/ dinner at five thirty.
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Janto às cinco e meia.
On some nights, I help my mother to do the dishes.
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Em algumas noites, ajudo minha mãe a lavar a louça.
After supper (dinner), I do my homework.
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Depois do jantar, faço minha lição de casa.
I (wash my face) and hands, and brush my teeth.
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(Lavo o rosto) e as mãos e escovo os dentes.

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