Article #68 My Classroom

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My classroom is a large room.
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Minha sala de aula é uma sala grande.
It is full of brightly colored pictures.
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Está cheio de imagens coloridas.
My teacher hangs pictures up all over the walls.
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Meu professor pendura fotos nas paredes.
There are blackboards at the front of the room.
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Existem quadros na frente da sala.
My teacher always has writing all over the blackboards.
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Meu professor sempre escreve em todos os quadros.
Sometimes the chalk squeaks when she writes on the blackboard.
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Às vezes o giz chia quando ela escreve no quadro-negro.
We cover our ears when that happens.
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Cobrimos nossos ouvidos quando isso acontece.
Our classroom is full of desks.
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Nossa sala de aula está cheia de mesas.
There are a lot of students in our class.
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Existem muitos alunos em nossa turma.
Our desks are full of books, notebooks and pens.
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Nossas mesas estão cheias de livros, cadernos e canetas.
I try to keep my desk neat, but I have a lot of things in there.
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Tento manter minha mesa organizada, mas tenho muitas coisas lá.
My ruler and pencils are always falling out of my desk.
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Minha régua e lápis estão sempre caindo da minha mesa.
At the back of the room is a bookcase full of books.
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No fundo da sala há uma estante cheia de livros.
We can sign those books out and take them home to read.
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Podemos assinar esses livros e levá-los para casa para ler.
I have read a lot of the books.
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Eu li muitos livros.
I like mysteries and biographies, so I have taken many of those home.
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Eu gosto de mistérios e biografias, por isso levei muitos deles para casa.
There are also tables at the back of the room.
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Há também mesas na parte de trás da sala.
That is where we do our artwork.
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É aí que fazemos nossas obras de arte.
We spread out big sheets of paper, and we use paints or crayons to make pictures.
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Espalhamos grandes folhas de papel e usamos tintas ou giz de cera para tirar fotos.
Sometimes we cut things out of magazines with scissors and we glue pictures to the paper.
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Às vezes, recortamos as coisas em revistas com uma tesoura e colamos fotos no papel.
I like art class.
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Eu gosto de aula de arte.
After school, my friends and I often erase the blackboards for the teacher.
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Depois da escola, meus amigos e eu frequentemente apagamos os quadros para o professor.
Then we take the erasers outside and clap them together to get the chalk dust out of them.
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Depois, tiramos as borrachas do lado de fora e as aplaudimos para tirar o pó de giz.
My friends and I walk home together and talk about what we did in school and what we're going to do after supper.
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Meus amigos e eu voltamos para casa juntos e conversamos sobre o que fizemos na escola e o que faremos depois do jantar.

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