Article #89 Food

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What kinds of food do you like to eat?
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Que tipo de comida você gosta de comer?
I am lucky, because in Canada there are many foods to choose from.
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Tenho sorte, porque no Canadá há muitos alimentos para escolher.
I like to eat hot dogs, hamburgers, and steak.
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Eu gosto de comer cachorro-quente, hambúrguer e bife.
These are all meat products.
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Estes são todos os produtos à base de carne.
I also like cheese, ice cream and yogurt.
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Eu também gosto de queijo, sorvete e iogurte.
These are all dairy products.
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Estes são todos os produtos lácteos.
I like vegetables.
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Eu gosto de vegetais.
My favorite vegetables are broccoli, cabbage, carrots and peas.
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Meus legumes favoritos são brócolis, couve, cenoura e ervilha.
I eat a lot of fruit.
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Eu como muita fruta.
I eat whichever fruit is in season.
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Como qualquer fruta da estação.
In strawberry season, I eat a lot of strawberries.
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Na estação do morango, como muitos morangos.
In peach season, I eat many peaches.
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Na estação do pêssego, como muitos pêssegos.
Sometimes, my mother will make a peach pie.
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Às vezes, minha mãe faz uma torta de pêssego.
Many different crops grow in Canada.
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Muitas culturas diferentes crescem no Canadá.
We have many orchards and farms.
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Temos muitos pomares e fazendas.
Fresh fruit and vegetables are plentiful in Canada.
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Frutas e legumes frescos são abundantes no Canadá.
Meat and fish are also plentiful here.
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Carne e peixe também são abundantes aqui.
In Canada, we have a lot of different foods to choose from.
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No Canadá, temos muitos alimentos diferentes para escolher.
In my city, there are a lot of Italian restaurants.
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Na minha cidade, existem muitos restaurantes italianos.
My favorite food at the Italian restaurant is pizza.
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Minha comida favorita no restaurante italiano é pizza.
My parents would rather have spaghetti or lasagna.
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Meus pais preferem espaguete ou lasanha.
There are Greek restaurants, Mexican restaurants and Chinese restaurants.
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Existem restaurantes gregos, restaurantes mexicanos e restaurantes chineses.
In fact, there are restaurants from most cultures.
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De fato, existem restaurantes da maioria das culturas.
I can go around from restaurant to restaurant and pretend that I am traveling the world and trying all the different foods from around the world.
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Eu posso ir de restaurante em restaurante e fingir que estou viajando pelo mundo e experimentando todos os alimentos diferentes do mundo.
Sometimes I eat things that aren't good for me.
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Às vezes como coisas que não são boas para mim.
I eat potato chips and candies.
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Eu como batatas fritas e doces.
These foods aren't part of a nutritious diet, but they are fun to eat.
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Esses alimentos não fazem parte de uma dieta nutritiva, mas são divertidos de comer.

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