Article: Coronavirus: Will we ever shake hands again? PART 1

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Domanda English Risposta English
mundane /mʌn’deɪn/
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very ordinary and therefore not interesting; 1) nieciekawy, nudny, 2) przyziemny, prozaiczny; synonym: dull, ordinary
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powerful, persuasive, or effective; potężny, skuteczny, wydajny
to seal
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to make an agreement more certain or to approve it formally
to credit
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to believe something that seems unlikely to be true; przypisywać, uznawać
to credit
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[usually passive] to believe or say that somebody is responsible for doing something, especially something good
to deem
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to consider or judge something in a particular way; sądzić, uważać
to evolve
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to develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradually; rozwijać się, ewoluować, zmieniać się
tactile /ˈtæk.taɪl/
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connected with the sense of touch; using your sense of touch; odnoszący się do zmysłu dotyku, dotykowy
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~ ideas are so fixed or have existed for so long that they cannot be changed; głęboko zakorzeniony
to halt
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to (cause to) stop moving or doing something or happening; przerywać, kończyć

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