Article: The peril of showrooming PART 2

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Domanda English Risposta English
to stop sb doing what they planned to do; to prevent sth happening ▶ krzyżować (plany), psuć szyki, udaremniać
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to thwart
to persuade sb gently ▶ wmówić (łagodną perswazją), nakłaniać, wymusić (przymilaniem się), wyłudzić coś od kogoś
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to coax sb (into/out of sth/doing sth); coax sth out of/from sb
(adj) (North American English) expensive and of high quality
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to persuade or trick sb to go somewhere or do sth, usually by offering them sth nice ▶ kusić, wabić, nęcić, uwodzić; synonym: to entice
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to lure
extremely great or strong ▶ nieprzeparty, przytłaczający, przygniatający
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that cannot be avoided or prevented from happening ▶ nieunikniony, nieuchronny
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to fasten somebody/something in place using a strap or straps (pasek, rzemyk); zapinać; przymocowywać (paskiem)
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to strap

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