Articles der, die, das - A1

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Domanda Risposta
the economy
inizia ad imparare
die Wirtschaft
the growth
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das Wachstum
the politics
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die Politik
the applicant
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der Bewerber
the family
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die Familie
the deposit
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die Kaution
the bakery
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die Bäckerei
the criticism
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die Kritik
the museum
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das Museum
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das Rauchen
the employee
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der Angestellte
the landscape
inizia ad imparare
die Landschaft
the friendship
inizia ad imparare
die Freundschaft
the keyboard
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die Tastatur
the garage
inizia ad imparare
die Garage
the possibility
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die Möglichkeit
the copy
inizia ad imparare
die Kopie

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