auxiliary verbs 2

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Domanda Risposta
to be/present simple/twierdzenie/1 os. l. m./my jesteśmy
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we are/we're
to be/present simple/pytanie/2 os. l. m./czy wy jesteście?
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are you?
are they?
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czy oni/one są?
I was not / I wasn't
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ja nie byłem
ty robisz
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you do
czy ja robię?
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do i?
nie robiłem
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I did not/didn't
they did
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oni robili/one robiły
oni mają/one mają
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they have/they've
czy wy macie?
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do you have?
they have
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oni/one mają
I did not/didn't have
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ja nie miałem
l. p. did you have?
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czy ty miałeś?
thg ty masz
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you have got
thg wy nie mieliście
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you had not/hadn't got
thg czy on miał?/czy ona miała? /czy ono miało?
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Had he/she/it got?
l. m. you have not/haven't got
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wy nie macie
Had he/she/it got?
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Czy on miał? /czy ona miała? / czy ono miało?
they have not/haven't got
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oni/one nie mają
thg czy ty masz?
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have you got?
do they have?
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czy oni/one mają?
he / she / it does not/doesn't
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on/ona/ono nie robi
l. p. you do
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ty robisz
27.10 g17
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27.10 g17

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