auxiliary verbs 9

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Domanda Risposta
i am
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am I?
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My robimy
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We do
czy ty robisz?
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do you?
I did
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l. p. you did not/didn't
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nie robiłeś
We do not/don't have
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My nie mamy
do I have?
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czy ja mam?
l. m. Had you got?
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Czy wy mieliście?
have they got?
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czy oni/one mają?
We had
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My mieliśmy
l. m. you did
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thg ja nie mam
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i have not/haven't got
did he/she/it?
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czy on robił?/czy ona robiła?/Czy ono robiło?
l. m. have you got?
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czy wy macie?
we have got
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my mamy
czy on/ona/ono ma?
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does he/she/it have?
he / she / it does
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on/ona/ono robi
they were not / weren't
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oni nie byli/one nie byly
to be/present simple/pytanie/2 os. l. p./czy ty jesteś?
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are you?
to be/present simple/twierdzenie/3 os. l. m./oni/one są
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they are/they're
l. m. you were
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wy byliście
czy ty byłeś?
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were you?
4.10 22:30
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4.10 22:30

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