Bookshop Reading 4

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Domanda English Risposta English
to bend your knees so that you are sitting on your heels very close to the ground [= squat]
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hunker down
the storyteller used to hunker down around the campfire with the other members of the tribe
to make sb very interested and excited, so that they listen or watch sth very carefully
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a tale that fascinate and enthral
a small piece of bread with cheese, meat etc on top, which is served with drinks at a party
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canapé in trembling hand
informal to sell something
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the writer is fulfilling a similar role as well as trying to flog as many books as possible.
a place or situation where you are separated from the difficulties of ordinary life and so are unable to understand them, used especially to describe a college or university
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ivory tower
never has the lonely security of the ivory tower seemed more appealing
very exciting in a way that makes you feel as if you can do anything you want to
Pol. uderzający do głowy, mocny, podniecający
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other heady temptations accumulate.
crafty, artful
Pol. przebiegły, chytry
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The reading is a kind of test, and perhaps here is the key to its sly addiction.
if something _____-s you, it interests you a lot because it seems strange or mysterious
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The responsibilities - to intrigue, to beguile, to entertain - that the role demands.
to charm, to fascinate
Pol. omamić, oczarować, urzec
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the responsibilities - to intrigue, to beguile, to entertain - that the role demands.
Pol. waluta, częstotliwość użycia, popularność
the state of being commonly known or accepted, or of being used in many places:
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His ideas enjoyed wide currency during the last century.
Here the currency that underpins the tacit contract between writer and reader
to give strength or support to sth and to help it succeed
Pol. podpierać, stanowić podstawę:
to give support to something or provide the starting point from which something can develop:
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Falling unemployment was likely to underpin consumer confidence.
Here the currency that underpins the tacit contract between writer and reader
... agreement, approval, support etc is given without anything actually being said, implied or inferred without direct expression
cichy milczacy
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the tacit contract
a public performance of something that is intended to entertain people
arranged for people to look at or buy in a store:
Pol. pokaz:
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The store is increasing the number of products ON DISPLAY.
Here the currency is on open display
to be able to see something by looking carefully [= perceive]
to see, recognize, or understand something that is not clear:
Pol. zauważyć FORMAL
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I could just discern a figure in the darkness.
it can all too easily be discerned.

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