Brave New World 3

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Domanda English Risposta English
To_____, is grow or develop rapidly;
Pol. wzrastać, rozwijać się, puszczać pąki
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consequently it burgeoned again
vast in size, extent, power, wonderful or amazing;
Pol. ogromny, kolosalny
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a prodigious improvement,
If you are _____ to something or someone, you are very likely to be influenced by them;
Pol. podatny, łatwo ulegający
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the least susceptible divided into two;
small or unimportant;
Pol. śmiesznie niski, błahy, bzdurny
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Identical twins--but not in piddling twos and threes as in the old viviparous days,
bearing or bringing forth living young, as most mammals and some other animals do;
Pol. żyworodny
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the old viviparous days
_____ is a generous gift of money or a generous act of kindness;
Pol. hojne dary
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he were distributing largesse
If someone's voice, smile, or actions are_____, they are unsteady because the person is uncertain, afraid, or upset;
Pol. drżący
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The voice was almost tremulous with enthusiasm
Pol. niestety
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to flow or allow to flow in a thin stream or drops; trickle;
Pol. kapać
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Dribbling out twins over a quarter of a century
If you _____ to sb, you signal to them to come to you;
Pol. skinąć (na kogoś)
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Beckoning to a fair-haired
(of the complexion) having a healthy reddish colour, usually resulting from an outdoor life;
Pol. rumiany
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The ruddy young man approached
If an area of land _____ a particular amount of a crop, this is the amount that is produced;
Pol. rodzić, dostarczać, przynosić
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we can make one ovary yield us over fifteen thousand adult individuals.'
If you describe someone as____, you mean that they are lively, exciting, and attractive.
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a vivacious blue eye
When you say that someone _____ about something, you mean that they talk about it for a long time in a way that annoys you;
Pol. trjkotać (o czymś)
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rattles on
he rattled on
Pol. przysadka mózgowa
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pituitary gland
You should see the way a negro ovary responds to pituitary!
to pour off (a liquid, as wine) gently without stirring up the sediment
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The optimum Decanting Rate
a thin translucent serous sac that lines the walls of the abdominal cavity and covers most of the viscera;
Pol. otrzewna
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another flap of peritoneum
a loud humming or buzzing sound;
Pol. gwizd, świst, bzyk
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Whizz and then, click!
A flap of cloth or skin, for example, is a flat piece of it that can move freely up and down or from side to side because it is held or attached by only one edge;
Pol. klapka, płat
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another flap of peritoneum
endless or seemingly endless because of monotony or tiresome length;
Pol. niekończący się
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slow interminable procession on the band.

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