Breast Milk Bikers

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Domanda Risposta
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a breast
mleko matki
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breast milk
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a biker
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to deliver
They deliver breast milk to babies.
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do not say: womans or womens
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a woman
zakładać (że coś jest prawdziwe), wychodzić z założenia
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to assume sth
People assume a lot about bikers.
"Synowie Anarchii" (serial tv)
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"Sons of Anarchy" (tv series)
zaangażować się w coś
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to get involve with sth / to be involved with sth
She was very involved with sports at college. (NiV)
dyrektor wykonawczy
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an executive director
nie wiadomo skąd, znikąd
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out of nowhere
The attack came from nowhere. (NiV)
She called me out of nowhere.
zapoznawać, zaznajamiać, wprowadzać (np. pomysł)
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to introduce an idea
She introduced the idea of delivering breast milk to babies.
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mieć problem z czymś
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to have trouble doing sth
Mamy problem ze znalezieniem pracownicków.
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We have trouble getting staff. (NiV)
Mam problem ze znalezieniem dobrej pracy.
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I have trouble finding a good job. (NiV)
karmić piersią
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to breastfeed
to feed - fed - fed
Cześć kochanie!
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Hi sweetheart!
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a miracle
She my miracle.
Urodziła się w 25 tygodniu.
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She WAS born at 25 weeks.
do not say: in 25 weeks
problemy zdrowotne
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medical problems / health problems
martwicze zapalenie jelit
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necrotising enterocolitis /NEC*
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a bacterium
this is an irregular noun; its plural form doesn't end in "-s"
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this is an irregular noun; its plural form doesn't end in "-s"
ściana jelita
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intestinal wall*
mówi się, że...
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it's said to...
It (breast milk) is said to have antibodies.
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wzmacniać coś
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to strengthen sth
She showed me some exercises for strengthening my lower back. (NiV)
odciągać pokarm
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to pump milk*
taki, który powoduje, że się martwimy
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This report raises numerous troubling questions. (NiV)
śmiertelność, umieralność
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a mortality rate
NEC has a high mortality rate.
zaniepokojony / zmartwiony
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We were very concerned.
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a pediatrician
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a volunteer
Byłam w szoku.
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I was (so) shocked.
To bardzo miłe.
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It's really sweet (of you).
być wdzięcznym za coś
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to be thankful for sth
I'm thankful for your help. (NiV)
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an angel
zapewniać coś
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to provide sth
Tea and coffee will be provided. (NiV)
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do not say: stuffs
dobre rzeczy
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good stuff
do not say: stuffs
Doing good stuff just feels good.

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