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bring about
the end of the war brought about great changes
przywołać wspomnienia
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bring back
this smell brings back childhood memories
obalić, doprowadzić do upadku
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bring down
The measures brought down the govemment
przynosić na wcześniejszy termin
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bring forward
the exam date was brought forward by a week
przynosić dochód
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bring in
his plan brought in lots of money
wywołać coś negatywnego
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bring on
the damp weather brought on his cold
wprowadzać na rynek
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bring out
the new shampoo will be brought out next march
ocucić kogoś
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bring somebody round
They poured cold water on his face to bring him round
przekonać kogoś
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she tried to bring him round to his point of view
wychowywać dziecko
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bring up
she was brought up by her grandmother as her parents were abroad
poruszyć temat, wspomnieć
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bring up
you shouldn't have brought that matter up in front of everyone

Vedi schede correlate:

call + carry

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