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if you ... things, or if you ... them up, you put them into...
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if something ... you, you you worry about it a lot and you don’t like it
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when you are at work, a ... is a time when you stop working and relax for a short while before starting to work again
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if you talk about ... things or people, you mean there are a large number of them
dig up
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to ... vegetables means to pull them out of the ground so that they can be eaten
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someone’s ... are all the money they get for doing their job
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to ... someone means to treat them very unfairly so that you get a lot of benefit and they do not
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if you ... something, you guess it or come to believe it as a result of thinking about it
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a ... is a large amount of money
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if you ..., you become involved in a situation when your help or advice is not wanted. An ... person interferes a lot
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if you get a ... somewhere, someone takes you there in their car
make up
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if you ... something ..., for example a story or an excuse, you create a story that isn’t true in order to ... people believe something that you want them to think
market research
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... is the collection of information from ordinary people about what they need and like so that companies can design products that people will want to buy
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if you... something, you form an impression of it that is wrong or mistaken
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an activity that is ... carries on without a pause
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... is the quality of being new and still being interesting. If you say that the ... has worn off, you mean that something has become less interesting because you have become very familiar with it
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in some organisations such as the army or the police, your ... is the position or grade that you hold
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someone who is ... does not like staying in the same place for long and is always looking for new things to do and new places to go to
set foot
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if you say that you have never ... somewhere, you are emphasising that you never went there, even though it is likely that you would have done
settle for
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if you ... something, you accept it, even though it is not as good as you wanted it to be
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a ... is a change in the way something happens or is done, or a change in the way people think about something
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if you work ... throughout a period of time, you work constantly and without stoppping
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to ... a place means to fill it with things. To re-stock a place means to fill it with things again after it has been emptied
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if you ... something you already have, you add to it
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a ... is a flat piece of plastic, wood, or metal which you use to carry things on, such as glasses of drink or plates of food
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a ... is something that you say to someone. If you put in a good ... for someone, you recommend them to someone who can help them or give them a job

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