C1 8a

 0    21 schede    katarzyna_jankowska
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Domanda English Risposta English
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face and withstand
... to have weather that storm...
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pause or hold back in uncertainly or unwilingness
... never wavers...
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be driven or carried along, as by the air
... warm breeze wafted trough the screens...
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carefully observant or attentive
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surpassing the ordinary or normal
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brief and to the point
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a pround stiff pompous gait
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grave or even gloomy in character
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move about or proceed hurriedly
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conscientious type
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working hard and careful to do things well
down to earth
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practical and sensible
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a person who tends not to worry about the future
lack of confidence
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the belife that you are able to do things well
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opposing authority or accepted ways od doing things
relaxed attitude to life
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not worrying about too many things
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willing to make other people suffer so that you can achive your aims
sens of superiority
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a way f behaving that shows you thing you are better or more important than other people
single minded
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with your attention fixed on only one thing
tendency to act hastily
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offen making desisions without properly thinking them through in advance
winning streak
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a period of time when you win a lot of games, races, competitions

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