CAE 801 - 825

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Domanda Risposta
Le mendiant a abondamment remercié son bienfaiteur pour sa générosité.
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The beggar thanked his benefactor profusely for his generosity.
les relations publiques
Nous devons trouver quelqu'un qui travaillera aux relations publiques de notre entreprise.
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public relations
We need to find someone who will work on the public relations of our company.
un référendum
La Grande-Bretagne a organisé un référendum et a voté pour quitter l'Union Européen.
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Britain held a referendum and voted to leave the European Union.
un forum public
Mike a exprimé ses opinions lors d'un forum public.
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public forum
Mike expressed his views in a public forum.
un quartet
Un quartet à cordes a joué au mariage de Danielle et Jack.
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A string quartet played at Danielle and Jack's wedding.
Georgina a pleuré toute la nuit et maintenant ses yeux sont bouffis.
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Georgina has been crying all night, and now her eyes are puffy.
se ranger
Si tu roules et que tu es pris de vertige, assures-toi de te ranger et de te reposer.
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to pull over
If you're driving and you feel dizzy, make sure you pull over and take a rest.
+18 schede
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