Cap1 (Escuela Picasso)

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Domanda Risposta
ya está aquí nuestro muchacho
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our boy is here
encantado señor Solano
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delighted Mr. Solano
Alex me ha hablado mucho de ti
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Alex has told me a lot about you
y al parecer nuestra confianza no hay caido en saco roto
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and apparently our trust has not fallen on deaf ears
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Sit down
en qué trabajas
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what's your job
soy electricista
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I am an electrician
1200 € al mes
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€ 1200 per month
1500 y con los pluses de desplazamiento
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1500 and with the pluses of displacement
te gustaría mejorar trabajando para mí
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would you like to improve working for me
no sé si yo serviría de guarda jurado
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I do not know if I would serve as a jury guard
y quién dijo eso
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and who said that
tienes que levantar esa autoestima cámara
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you have to raise that camera self esteem
he leído tu discurso
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I have read your speech
además de un hombre de acción escribes sobre nuestro movimiento de un modo
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besides being a man of action you write about our movement in a way
original vibrante
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vibrant original
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Thank you
conmigo puedes ganar mucho más
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with me you can earn much more
si eres listo
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if you are smart
me interesa la oferta
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I'm interested in the offer
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all right
Alex reserva una mesa tenemos mucho de que hablar con
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Alex reserves a table we have a lot to talk to
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un buen hombre
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a good man
me gusta
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I like
por cierto
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by the way
empieza a dejarte crecer el pelo
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start to grow your hair
a los inversores no les gusta que se les se relacionen con los cabezas rapadas
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investors don't like being associated with skinheads
quiénes son los inversores
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who are the investors
gente que el mundo de corderos prefieren ser los lobos
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people who the world of lambs prefer to be wolves
pero despacio Tiger, despacio
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but slowly Tiger, slowly
cada cosa a su tiempo
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Each thing at it's time

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