casa e prédio

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how many bedrooms do you have in your house?
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quantos quartos tem na sua casa?
living room
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sala de estar
dining room
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sala de jantar
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the couch
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o sofá
um sofá
the coffee table
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a mesinha de centro
uma mesinha de centro
the lamp
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o abajur
um abajur
the carpet
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o tapete
um tapete
I bought a pillow.
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a almofada
Comprei uma almofada.
the armchair
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a poltrona
uma poltrona
I bought a frame.
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o quadro
os quadros uns quadros
Comprei um quadro.
the watch
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o relógio
um relógio
the fireplace
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a lareira
uma lareira
I watch TV.
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a televisão
Vejo televisão.
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at home
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na casa
in the building
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no prédio
I'm at Anna's house
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eu estou na casa da Anna
eu estou (em+a) casa da Anna
at home
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em casa
I am at the airport.
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o aeroporto
Estou no aeroporto.
The National Museum is interesting.
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o museu
O Museu Nacional é interessante.
those furniture are furniture for the offices
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esses móveis são móveis de escritórios
they take a shower
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elas tomam banho
private school
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escola particular
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She came out of the closet.
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o armário
Ela saiu do armário.
Close the door.
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a porta
Fecha a porta.
the keys
the keys are in the doors
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as chaves
as chaves estão na porta
the cup
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a xícara
old type of lamp
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o candeeiro
My computer is slow.
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o computador
O meu computador está lento.
He broke the bed.
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a cama
Ele partiu a cama.
Open the window.
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a janela
Abre a janela.
Do you fancy going to the cinema?
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o cinema
Você tem vontade de ir ao cinema?
on the wall
the picture is on the wall
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na parede
o quadro está na parede
city Hall
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the corner
there is a free table there in the corner
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o canto
há uma mesa livre ali no canto
the curtain
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a cortina
mom doesn't allow mess in the house
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a mãe não permite bagunça em casa
the drawer
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a gaveta
he's answering the door now
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ele está atendendo a porta agora
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to wash the dishes
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lavar os pratos
The floor is dirty.
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o chão
O chão está sujo.
the stove
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o fogão
dois fogões
the wall
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o muro
the mansion
the citizen of that country lives in the mansion
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a mansão
as mansões
o cidadão daquele país mora na mansão
the shelf
the shelf has a lot of books
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a estante
a estante tem muitos livros
the desk
this office has a desk
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a escrivaninha
este escritório tem uma escrivaninha
the wastepaper basket
there is the paper bin below the desk
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o cesto de papéis
há um cesto de papéis debaixo da escrivaninha
bedroom with bathroom
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the balcony
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a varanda
the bathtub
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a banheira
the kitchen sink
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a pia de cozinha
the washing machine
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a máquina de lavar roupa
the stairs, staircase
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a escada
the chandelier
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o candelabro
The shower
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o chuveiro
the shower
to take a shower
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a ducha
the fridge
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a geladeira
the wardrobe
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o roupeiro
the bedside table
night stand
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a mesinha de cabeceira
the dresser
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a cómoda
the dishwasher
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a lava-louça
the sink
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o lavatório
The toilet
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o vaso sanitário
The bathroom is at the end of the hallway.
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o corredor
o banheiro fica no final do corredor.
window to the garden
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janela para o jardim
para a praia etc
the vase
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a jarra
the alarm clock
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o despertador
the roof
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o telhado
the glass
he replaced the glass in the windows
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o vidro
ele substituiu os vidros nas janelas
the chimney
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o chaminé
the blinds
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as persianas
the gutter
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a calha
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tidy the house
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arrumar a casa
the bidet
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o bidê
home, house
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a moradia
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guarda roupa
the microwave
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o microoda
the step
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o degrau
the tower
the Eiffel tower is higher than big ben
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a torre
a torre eiffel é mais alta (do) que o big ben
electricity consumption
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o consumo de eletricidade
(washing machine) enough for twelve cups
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dá para doze xícaras
the salt shaker
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o saleiro
frying pan
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a frigideira
the oven
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o forno
I burned my pan.
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a panela
Queimei a minha panela.
(eg house)
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the rooms look comfortable
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os quartos parecem confortáveis
the theft
there was a robbery in this house
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o roubo
nesta habitação aconteceu um roubo
the shelf
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a prateleira
the stereo
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o aparelho de som
the sculpture
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a escultura
changing room
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trocador de roupa
provador de roupa
the inn
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a pousada
is closed for renovation
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está fechado para obras
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utilidades domésticas
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o domicílio
the laundry
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a lavandaria
the cafeteria
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o refeitório
the circus
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o circo
rented room
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quarto alugado
knock the door
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bater à porta
the warehouse
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o armazém
the heating
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o aquecimento
power cut
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corte de energia
it's falling apart
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está caindo aos pedaços
the winery
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a adega
lights off
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luz apagada
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home appliances
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things that catch dust
zbieracze kurzu
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coisas que pegam poeira
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the floor
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o piso
I used a hammer to hammer the nail on the wall
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usei martelo para pregar o prego na parede
cubic meters
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metros cúbicos
square meters
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metros quadrados
the varnish
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o verniz
the leak
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o vazamento
trash can
in case there is no trash can nearby, put it inside (carry it) until you get home
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casa não haja lixeira por perto, guarde o lixo até chegar em casa
the concrete
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o concreto
o comente, betão
the faucet
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a torneira
keep the house clean
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manter a casa limpa
The roof protects the house from the rain.
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o teto
O teto protege a casa da chuva.
the student housing
we shared a room in the student house
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a moradia estudantil
nos dividíamos um quarto na moradia estudantil
I clean twice a week
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fazer faxina
faço faxina duas vezes por semana
the housing crisis spared no one
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a crise imobiliária não poupou ninguém
the construction company
my old boss had a construction company
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a construtora
meu antigo patrão tinha uma construtora
the owner of the big building is a millionaire
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o dono de edifício grande é milionário
our previous house
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nossa antiga casa
the run-down house
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a casa meio abandonada
external area
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area externa
basement of the building
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porão do prédio
medieval castle
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Castelo medieval
tear down a wall
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derrubar um parede
real estate agent
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corretor imobiliário
piped gas
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gás encanado
gas canister
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botijão de gás
DCE full maid dependency
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DCE dependência completa de empregada
furnished apartment
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apartamento mobiliado
unfurnished apartment
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apartamento sem mobília
Ground floor
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semi detached house
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casa geminada
break the contract
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romper o contrato
quebrar o contrato
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house owner
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dona da casa
House owner
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proprietário da casa
they worked at this winery for 25 years
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eles trabalharam nesta vinícola por 25 anos
restaurants adapted for people with disabilities
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restaurantes adaptados PARA pessoas com deficiências
the pipe
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o cano
cursed house
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casa amaldiçoada
front door
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porta deanteira

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