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Ciepłe koce
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warm blankets
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Wyregulować ciśnienie w oponach
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adjust the air pressure in the tyres
Nacisnął przycisk
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presses a button
Klapa paliwa
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fuel flap
Poluzuj nakrętki
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loosen the nuts
Podnieś samochód z ziemi
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raise the car off the ground
Dysza paliwowa
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fule nozzle
Wsunąć dysze do gniazda paliwa
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push the nozzle into the fuel socket
Włączyć pompę paliwa
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switch on the fuel pump
Ciepłe koce
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warm blankets
Dokręć nakrętki
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tighten the nuts
Opuścić samochód na ziemie
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lower the car to the ground
Wybierz pierwszy bieg
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select first gear
Pchać dzwignie od zmiany biegów
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push the gear lever
Wytrzeć rozlane paliwoo z samochodu
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Clear spilled fuel off the car
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speed up
Wąż gumowy
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dzwigarka, podnośnik
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głębokie gardło –deep throat
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deep throat -deep throat
sygnalizacja świetlna
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traffic lights

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