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we went to the Zoo
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poszliśmy do zoo
We were at the Zoo
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Byliśmy w Zoo
The tropical birds were fascinating.
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Ptaki tropikalne były fascynujące.
There was lots of fish
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Było dużo ryb
We looked at the Zoo in Lodz
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Obejrzeliśmy Zoo w Łodzi
They have not fished the renovation work
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Nie złowili prac remontowych
Photos can be misleading
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Zdjęcia mogą wprowadzać w błąd
they were looking at me
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oni na mnie patrzyli
minced fish with horseradish
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mielona ryba z chrzanem
carolina reaper is a very hot chilli
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Carolina Reaper to bardzo ostre chili
Jelcz or an Ikarus were old types of buses in Poland
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Jelcz czy Ikarus to stare typy autobusów w Polsce
Ciechnocinek is famous as a health resort
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Ciechnocinek słynie jako uzdrowisko
My mother took me to the shop
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Moja mama zabrała mnie do sklepu
In Communist times, there was nothing to buy in the shops
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W czasach komunizmu w sklepach nie było nic do kupienia
i am from a family of 5
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jestem z rodziny 5
bugle call
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goats butting heads
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kozy uderzające łbami

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