Cockney 1 - 25

 0    25 schede    VocApp
Domanda English Risposta English
How does Cockney work?
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Replace a common word with two or more words, where the last one rhymes with the original word.
Typically, the common word is replaced by the first word from a rhymed phrase.
apple core
What's the apple?
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What's the score?
apples and pears
That's a lot of apples.
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also: daisy dancers
That's a lot of stairs.
Barnet fair
I wish I had black barnet!
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I wish I had black hair!
Bo Peep
I need some Bo!
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I need some sleep!
Brahmns and Liszt
Why are you Brahmns with me?
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Why are you pissed with me?
brown bread
I'm sorry, I didn't know he was brown.
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I'm sorry, I didn't know he was dead.
+18 schede
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(Un totale di 101 schede)

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Il corso comprende anche le seguenti serie di schede:

Cockney 26 - 50Cockney 51 - 75Cockney 76 - 100

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