collocations physical appearance

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przycięte włosy
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cropped hair
grube włosy
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coarse hair
rozczochrane włosy
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disheveled hair
cofnięte włosy
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receding hair
rude włosy
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ginger haired
ziemista cera
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sallow complexion
A sallow complexion often indicates a yellowish or pale skin tone.
wychudzona twarz
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haggard face
jasna karnacja / ciemna karnacja
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fair complexion / dark complexion
spiczasta twarz
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pointed face
pulchna twarz
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pudgy face
pyzate policzki
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chubby cheeks
krzaczaste brwi
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bushy eyebrows
puste oczy
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hollow eyes
zapadnięte oczy
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sunkin eyes
szpiczasty nos
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pointed nose
silne ramiona,
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big browny arms
zwiotczałe ramiona
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flabby arms
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The sudden political upheaval caused widespread uncertainty and instability in the region.
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wielki sukces
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resounding success
nienaganne maniery, nienaganna obsługa,
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impeccable manners, impeccable service,
zdalna szansa
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a remote chance
niezbędne fundusze
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necessary founds
ogromne wyzwanie
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formidable challenge
ponura porażka
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a dismal failure
Despite their efforts, the project turned out to be a dismal failure, falling short of expectations.
bliski łez
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close to tears
każde prawdopodobieństwo
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every likelihood
nagła potrzeba
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urgent need
płonąca ambicja
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a burning ambition
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zbankrutować / bankructwo
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to go belly up
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walczyć o coś do upadłego
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fight tooth and nail for sth
She was determined to fight tooth and nail for the promotion, putting in extra hours and showcasing her skills.
zrobić rundę (np po zakładzie)
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to get the runaround
wyremontować, odnowić, regeneracja
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