Colloquial expressions 3

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blowing his own trumpet
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przechwalać się
let the cat out of the bag
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wygadać się
keep a straight face
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zachować powagę
down the drain
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przepuścić coś w błoto
hold my tongue
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trzymać język za zębami
he wouldn't say „boo” to a goose
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nie skrzywdziłby muchy
pulling my leg
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be cheesed off with sth
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mieć coś po dziurki w nosie
an out-and-out
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for a song
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za bezcen
pig headed
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as right as rain
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całkowicie dobrze
get on like a house on fire
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dogadywać się
smell a rat
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być podejrzliwym
get a butterflies in your stomach
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być podekscytowanym/zdenerwowanym

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