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throughtout x during
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throughout is from the beginning to the end. During is in the middle, not all the time.
that guy was talking throughout the movie. (from start to end) / that guy was talking during the movie (in some parts of the movie)
every time X every hour
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everytime is aleatory times in the day. every hour is exactly every hour, every 60 minutes...
in the early hours X in the wee hours X at the (crack of) dawn
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in the week hours = very dark in the night / at the dawn (dón) = it's clearing the day.
at X in X on (periods)
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AT: precise time, numbers, comercial places. IN: long periods of time (months, seasons, years), inside, neighbourhood, state, country, continent. ON: particular day (of the week, day of the month, festive day), public transport (bus, train, airplaine).
at the hospital = vista ou trabalha / In (the) hospital = internado. ON = meio de comunicacao ou aparelho eletronico (on the phone, on facebook, on computer, on tv, on the internet), surface, and specific characteristics ofa day = on a hot day.
the movie starts at 9. They arrived at 6 AM. We first met in June. The lake will be unfreeeze in the spring. I was born on January 2nd. She will be back on Thursday. They will join us on Thanksgiving.
at X in X on (places)
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At: shows simple where something is, positions and locations. IN: inside something. ON: on thing that is attached to or touching another.
on page six, on Columbus street, on the second floor, at 12 Columbus street, at the corner of the street, in Times Square, in the sky.
He is at the restaurant. They are sitting at the table. He is in the kitchen. at Julia's house. She was sitting in the armchair. Chile is a country in South America. There is a mirror on the wall. He puts the plates on the table.
moreover X besides X further
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each other X one another
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sometime × some time x sometimes
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unspecific time um future x a period of time x ocasionally
uma hora dessas X algum tempo X as vezes.
Give me a call sometime in order to have a coffee. X It will take some time to finish the project. X Sometimes the best is not to say a thing.
between - among
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ended up/ wound up (past) X turn out + to + infinitive verb
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end up = finished in certain point. / Turn out = discover a new information, shows up.
wound up= acabamos, terminou que.../ turn out = descobri, fiquei sabendo, acabou sendo, tornou-se, mostoru-se.
we wound up/ ended up on a boat to france. (If it's a verb after, need ING) = Yeah, we wound up going to France. We wound up staying home. / I went out with this girl last night, she turn out to be famous.
someday/one day X any day (now)
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someday= int he future, don't know when, far from now. nay day. / any day = in the very next future, tomorow, in few days, very soon but don't know exactly when.
one day/someday I'm going to own a new car. / when are they gonna tell you if you got the job or not? Any day (now) I think.
even though X even if
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"Even though" is similar to "although". "Even if" means "whether or not".
even though I ciycle to work, I don't feel very fit. / Even if I run, I'll still be late (I'll be late late whether I run or not). I feel tired even if I go to bed early (I feel tired, whether I go to bed early or not).
However X whatever X whether (they ask me whether I was tired. X whichever X whenever X wherever X whoever
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However: any way at all, it doesn't matter how. (However you try to explain it, I still can't understand it.) / Whatever: anything at all, it doesn't matter what. (Please take whatever you want.) / whether: if. (where you live should not decide whether...
...(Call in whenever you like.)/Wherever: any place at all, it doesn't matter where.(wherever you live, you have the right to a good postal service.) /Whoever: any person at all, it doesn't matter who.(whoever you ask, you will get the same answer: no.)
... you live or whether you die - crumbs for your table) / Whichever: any one at all, it doesn't matter which. (Choose whichever time suits you best then write your name against that time on the list.) / Whenever: any time at all, doesn't matter when...
travel X trip X journey
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TRAVEL: viajar, verb, to go to one place to another, doesn't matter time you spend or whatever. TRAVELS = viagens exploratorias, longas (anos), muitos continentes, longe de casa. / TRIP: viagens curtas, passeio. / JOURNEY: Jornada de um local para outro.
I have never travelled abroad. I travelled to work by train.
jornda: o trajeto de transporte de um. lugar ao outro... how was your journey? (deslocamento). TRIP: To take a trip or to go on a trip - fazer uma viagem.
but x however x yet x though
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due to x because of x owing to
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devio a, por causa de. Owing to eh pouco usado. sao todos sinonimos. Because of eh mais informal.
a ordem para os 3 casos pode ser ter a expressao no comeco ou na segunda parte da frase, tanto faz.
Due to the bad weather, the match was cancelled. / the match was cancelled owing to the bad weather. / Because of the bad weather, the match was cancelled.
due X in due course X due to x be due for X overdue
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Due: expected to happend, arrive at a particular time. In Due course: at a suitable time in the future. Due to: because of, owing to. Due and Due to: owed as a debt or as a right. Be due for sth: expect to receive sth because you deserve it. Overdue: late
He was found to have been driving without due care and attention. / I'm due to a promotion soon. / My library books are a week overdue. The baby is two weeks overdue (the baby was expected to be born 2 weeks ago).
what time is the next bus due? Their first baby is due in January. / You will receive notification of the results in due course. / The bus was delayed due to heavy snow. / The rent is due at the end of the month. Our thanks are due to everyone.
afterwards X after
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afterwards: after the time mentioned. She had an operation in her leg and afterwards was unable to walk for at least a month / We had tea, and afterwards we sat in the garden. After: later than, next in time or place. Shall we swim after lunch?
IMPORTANTE --> AFTER: quando "after" refere a futuro, usar simple present apos (nunca will, shall) ex. I'll do another course after I finish this one. (nunca: I'll do another course after I will finish this one). After: depois de / afterwards: mais tarde.
After como adverbio: They lived happily ever after (for ever).
some X any
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some: sempre em frases positivas. Um pouco, algum. Any: pose usar em negativo e positivo, qualquer, alguma, nenhum, nada de... em pergunta siginifica algum.
I went to te market to get some ice cream. / he didn't do any of his homework. / he didn't do, he missed, he forgot some of the homework. / would you like some/any water? (as duas ok, mad some eh nos testes).
another X other xThe other
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"another": sempre antes de substantivo contavel no singular. "other": usa antes de plural sempre. "the other": a outra, o outro(s)
Are there other houses for sale in this neighborhood? have you traveled to any other countries? what do you mean you don't remember? I told you about this the other day. The other class has less students than this one.
they are having another baby. should you like another piece of cake. that pizza is so good. may I have another slice? were there (any) other children at the park? Do you have any other questions? yes, I have another question OR Yes I have Other questions.
look for X search X seek X find
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look for: procurar algo que foi perdido. search: procurar muito algo, pesquisar na net, busca de uma resposta que pode nao existir. Seek: procurar algo que sabemos q existe mas que eh intangivel, buscar conselhos, pedir permissao, pedir sailor, refilugio.
ssek: she is actively seek work (intangivel). seek medical advice if symptoms last (conselho). you must first seek permission before publishing their names (permissao). Hundres of people sought refuge in the British Embassy. Seek - sought - sought.
Look for: we are looking for a painter. I've been looking for my gloves all week. Search: The detectives have search for clues all day long. I got most the answers by searching the net. FIND?
further X farther
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FURTHER: mais longe, alem, mais, sentido figurado. FARTHER: mais longe, alem, no sentido literal ou figurado, mais usado no literal.
further information (+ informacoes). the farther side of the mountain (o lado mais longe).
do the shopping X go shopping
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ir ao mercado X ir as compras.
go to the shopping center = ir pro shopping. (window-shop)
good X well
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good: describes things, people, places. well: describes actions. It is used to means "healthy" or "in a good state".
Sam is a good boy. they live in a good house. she sings really good. she dances well. This is not a well place to live in. You don't look well. All is well with my family. Get well!
e.g. x I.e.
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eg = for example. ie = that is, that means, exactly this.
Big cities e.g. NY, London and Tokyo offer more nightlife. He is rather confused, i.e. he is not sure what to do. We are going on a short vacation, i.e. 3-4 days.
especially X specially
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especially = em eespecial algo ou alguem, acima de tudo... specially = especialmente feito ou destinado a...
I love summer, especially July. specially designed for... specially made for... specially for you...
I'd X I'd (I would X I had)
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The verb that followed would is always infinitive and the verb that followed had is always participle.
I'd go to the beach every day after school. / I'd been at the beach when the storm rolled in.
odds × odd
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probability, likelihood, chances, advantage, benefit, gain. odd: strange or unexpected, something that should be a pair separated (socks), numeros impares, used after a number (geralmente multiple de 10), to show that the exact number is not known.
probabilidades, hipoteses. no singular = numero impar. an odd person...
hear X listen
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listen = escuta ativa, uma conversaou algo que VC deseja que seja ouvido. hear = quando um som chega, um barulho qualquer...
long way X far from
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ver rennie.
lay (lei) × lie (lai)
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the cat is lying on the couch. I am laying the pen on the table.
lie = is there. lay = putting there right now.
make up X invent
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