Course 2, Module 3

 0    23 schede    krystianpuchacz
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Domanda English Risposta English
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A spreadsheet function that returns an average of the values from a selected range
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Lines that can be added around two or more cells on a spreadsheet
Cell reference
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A cell or a range of cells in a worksheet typically used in formulas and functions
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A spreadsheet function that counts the number of cells in a range that meet a specific criteria
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A calculation that involves addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division (also called a math expression)
Fill handle
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A box in the lower-right-hand corner of a selected spreadsheet cell that can be dragged through neighboring cells in order to continue an instruction
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The process of showing only the data that meets a specified criteria while hiding the rest
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The first row in a spreadsheet that labels the type of data in each column
Math expression
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A calculation that involves addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division (also called an equation)
Math function
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A function that is used as part of a mathematical formula
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A spreadsheet function that returns the largest numeric value from a range of cells
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A spreadsheet function that returns the smallest numeric value from a range of cells
Open data
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Data that is available to the public
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A symbol that names the operation or calculation to be performed
Order of operations
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Using parentheses to group together spreadsheet values in order to clarify the order in which operations should be performed
Problem domain
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The area of analysis that encompasses every activity affecting or affected by a problem
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A collection of two or more cells in a spreadsheet
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A static collection of data periodically given to stakeholders
Return on investment (ROI)
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A formula that uses the metrics of investment and profit to evaluate the success of an investment
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The total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services
Scope of work (SOW)
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An agreed-upon outline of the tasks to be performed during a project
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The process of arranging data into a meaningful order to make it easier to understand, analyze, and visualize
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A spreadsheet function that adds the values of a selected range of cells

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