Crockett et al (2010)

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Domanda English Risposta English
Crockett et al (2010)
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the effect of serotonin on prosocial behaviour
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to investigate the effect of serotonin on prosocial behaviour
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30 healthy volunteers
Method and design
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Experiment; repeated measures design
Procedure 1/2
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-In condition 1 participants were given a dose of an SSRI (selective serotonine reuptake inhibitor). -In condition 2 participants were given a placebo
Procedure 2/2
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-After taking the drug, participants were given a series of moral dilemmas (the personal or impersonal trolley problem), which made them choose between saving 5 people and letting 1 person be killed
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In the impersonal scenario participants’ responses were unaffected by SSRI. In the personal scenario SSRI made participants less likely to interfere (that is, less likely to push the man off the bridge)

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