Dane osobowe

 0    32 schede    martamazurkiewicz0
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Domanda Risposta
give his personal details
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seine Personalien angeben
to be called
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to call someone
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jemanden nennen
intriduce yourself
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sich vorstellen
the name
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der Name
the first name
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der Vorname
the last name, last name
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der Nachname, Nachnamen
the date of birth
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das Geburstdatum
to be born on 25 July 1979
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am 25 Juli 1979 geboren werden / sein
The Age
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das Alter
Be 28 (years old)
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28 (Jahre alt) sein
skończyć 18 lat
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18 werden
the birthday
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der Geburtstag, Geburtstage
have his birthday on the 27th of December
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seinen Geburstag am 27 Dezember haben
the man, men
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der Mann, Männer
the woman, women
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die Frau, Frauen
the male gender
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das männliche Geschlecht
the female gender
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das weibliche Geschlecht
the birthplace
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der Geburtsort, Geburtsorte
the place of residence
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der Wohnort, Wohnorte
the address
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die Adresse
the street
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die straße
live in the flower street
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in der Blumenstraße wohnen
the area code
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die Postleitzahl
the house number, house numbers
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die Hausnummer, Hausnummern
the apartment number, apartment numbers
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die Wohnungsnummer, Wohnungsnummern
the nation
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die Nationalität, Nationalitäten
the nationality obywatelstwo
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die Staatsangehörigkeit, Staatsangehörigkeiten
the country
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das Land, Länder
the telephone number
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die Telefonnummer
give the phone number
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die Telefonnummer geben
the mobile number, mobile numbers
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die Handynummer, Handynummern

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