daughters od karbali

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zdetonować granat
zdetonować granat
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detonate a granade
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appalling disturbing
accounts, thoughts
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bezpański pies
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stray dog
miotać obelgi
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to throw insults hurl insults
wszczynać zamieszki (v)
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to start a riot (v), incite riots
gadanie bzdur
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talking nonsense, trash talking
poddać próbie
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test, put sb to the test
przewidywać, wyobrażać sobie -to imagine sth that you think might happen in the
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to imagine, envisage
odmiana, szczep
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variety, strain
od influenza, bacteria
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tendency leaning, streak, penchant, disposition, liability to headache, propensity to insult, strain of aggresion, proclivity, appetence
wojny zastępcze
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fight proxy wars
pierwotne cele
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primary goals, objective
kamień węgielny
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ponownie powołać do życia
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bring it back to life, revive Islamic empire
ujarzmienie, podporządkowanie
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subjugation, subordination
naczelny dowódca
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commander-in-chief supreme commander
sąd najwyższy
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Supreme Court
zmienić wiarę
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change faith convert to islam
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doctrine tenet
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anger, wrath, ire
objąć stanowisko
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take a position, także up a post
wziąć czyjeś słowa do serca
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take someone's words to heart
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to growl
pryskać (o tłuszczu), bulgotać (o wodzie)
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splash (about fat), bubbling (about water) sputter
strzał z ukrycia, krytykować
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stealth shot, criticize snipe
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gibberish sputter, bobble, jibber-jabber, mumbo-jumbo
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plague plight, scourge
impulsywny, porywczy
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impulsive, trigger-happy
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wcinać, wsuwać, pałaszować, zajadać
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cut in, push in, tuck in, Wolf down
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sneer scoff, taunt
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reprezentant szkoły
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school representative varsity
reprezentant szkoły
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school representative varsity
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objection caveat
bronować, brona, dokuczać, pustoszyć
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harrow, harrow,
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tease taunt, harass, needle, hassle, bez, rób, mag
pustoszyć, dewastować
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ravage, devastate desolate, harrow,
zdecydować się
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to decide, put the trigger on
trzasnąć biczem
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to flick the whip
łatwy cel
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sitting duck
stanąć na wysokości zadania
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to rise to the challenge to the occasion
słabnąć, zanikać
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to weaken wane, flag, falter, droop, abate,
zgasnąć (o silniku) opóźniać, zwodzić
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to turn off (about the engine), delay, deceive stall
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ruthless relentless
odpierać, ripostować
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resist, retort, counter
public criticism, all arguments
stopień, ranga, klasyfikować
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rank, rank, classify
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stain splotch, spot, smear, smudge, blob, taint, blemish, blotch, blot, daub
słaby, wiotki
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weak, flaccid, slack, tenuous, lame, flimsy, puny
pochodzenie społeczne
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social origin background
drążek sterowy (do gier)
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control stick (for games), hełm, tiller- rumpel
na czele
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at the forefront at the helm
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calm, collected
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shoot, Pick off
bagno, zrzucać skórę
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swamp, shed skin, slough
prowokujący, wyzywający
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provocative, defiant
arogancja, zarozumialstwo
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arrogance, conceit, brashness, presumption, haughty
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strenuous gruelling
zaprawa murarska, moździerz
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mortar, mortar
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to worship, enshrine
podstęp, fortel
inizia ad imparare
scam, ruse, Craft, stealth, gambit, guile, wile, circumvention, contrivance, artifice

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