Dec 9

 0    11 schede    suyashaag92
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hit the books
You are telling your friends that you are going to study
It could be any kind of Exam
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hit książki
It simply means “to study”
“Sorry but i cant watch the game with you tonight, I have to hit the books. I have a huge exam next week
Hit the Sack
you can say this to your friends and family
Hit the Sack means to go to bed
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Uderzyć worek
Its time for me to hit the Sack, Im so tired
Twist someone’s Arm
you know i cant i have to hit the books
Someone has done a great job of convincing you to do something you might not have wanted to do
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Przekręć czyjeś ramię
C’mon you have to come! its going to be so much fun and there are going to be lots of girls there please come. ohhh Girls! all right you’ve twisted my arm, i’ll come.
Jake you should really come to the party tonight
stab someone in the back
she told their boss that kate wasnt interested in a promotion and got the work instead
did you hear that Sarah stabbed kate in the back last week.
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pchnięcie kogoś w plecy
wow thats ultimate betrayal, no wonder they arent friends anymore
No I thought they were best friends what did she do?
Do you like traveling?
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Czy lubisz podróżować?
what are your favourite places?
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jakie są twoje ulubione miejsca
what is your favourite cusine?
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jaka jest twoja ulubiona kuchnia?
I love vegeterian cusine in Greece
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Uwielbiam potrawę wegetariańską w Grecji
In greece i also love the sun, seaside, Nature, climate
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W Grecji uwielbiam słońce, morze, naturę, klimat
It was freezing yesterday
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Wczoraj było zimno
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