Definitions 157-158

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Domanda English Risposta English
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to try hard to get something you want
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ability to repay debts
level playing field
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a situation that is fair for everybody involved.
take on board
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expression to consider an idea, to accept criticism and learn from past mistakes
think outside the box
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expression to find new and unusual ways of doing things, espeially solving problems
without a trace
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expression no sign that someone has been present
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someone who is very good at something
file a claim
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to present a claim so that it can be officially recorded and dealt with
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firm specializing in arranging storage and shipping of merchandise on behalf of its shippers
frequent-flyer scheme
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a system to encourage people to travel with the same airline by giving them reductions or gifts
drop off
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to take something to a place and not stay there long
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feeling tired and sometimes confused after long flight
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an oral proposal designed to persuade someone to buy your product or support you

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