destination jednak 18/28 phrasal verbs

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catch on
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come (a)round (to)
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be persuaded to change your mind (about)
cross out
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draw a line through sth written
dawn on
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if sth dawns on you, you realise it for the first time
deal with
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handle, cope with
drop out (of)
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leave school etc before you have finished the course
get at
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try to express
get on with
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continue doing
give in
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stop making an effort to achieve sth difficult
keep up with
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stay at the same level as
sail through
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do sth or deal with sth very easily
set out
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explain, describe or arrange sth in a clear and detailed way
think over
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call for
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demand, need, require
call off
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clear up
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become brighter and better (for weather)
cut off
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make a place difficult or impossible to enter, leave or communicate with; disconnect
die down
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become less noisy, powerful or active
do up
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repair, paint or improve
face up to
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accept sth and try to deal with it
get (sb) down
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make sb feel sad or lose hope
put down to
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suggest that sth is the result of
put out
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make sth stop burning
set in
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start and be likely to continue for a while (for rain, winter, an economic depression etc)
stand for
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represent (for abbrevations and symbols), put up with
tear down
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destroy or remove (for buildings, statues, etc)
throw away
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get rid of, discard
bank on
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depend on sth happening
come across
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find sth or meet by chance
come by
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get sth, especially sth that is hard to get
come into
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do without
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live without (sth you can't afford)
get by
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manage to survive (financially)
get through
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use all of, finish
give away
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give free charge, reveal sth you are trying to hide
live on
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use as a source of money
look round
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examine (a place)
make out
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write all necessary info on a cheque etc
make up for
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provide sth good, so that sth bad seems lees important
put by
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save an amount of money for the future
save up (for)
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save money little by little (for a specific purpose)
come (a)round
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happen again (for regular events)
count on
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rely on, trust
drop off
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fall asleep
drown out
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prevent a sound from being heard by making a louder noise
fall for
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believe that a trick or joke is true
get along (with)
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have a good relationship (with)
go down (as)
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be remembered for having done sth
grown on
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if sth growns on you, you start to like it more
let down
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name after
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give sb or sth the same name as sb or sth else
put on
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hold, perform (a show, play etc)
show off
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try to attract people's attention and make them admire you (usually used negatively)
take after
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look or behave like an older relative
take off
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become successful or popular very fast
catch on
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become popular or fashionable
do away with
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get rid of
draw up
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create (plans etc)
dress up
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put on fancy or unusual clothes
go over
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repeat or think about again in order to understand completely
grow out of
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develop from, become too big for
hand down
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give sth valuable to your children or grandchildren, usually when you die
line up
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get/put into lines
pop in(to)
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visit quickly or for a short time
show (a)round
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take sb on a tour of a place
take off
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remove (a piece of clothing)
tear up
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rip into pieces
try on
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put on (a piece of clothing) to see how it looks and whether it fits
wear out
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become old and unusable
back out
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decide not to so sth you agreed to do
bring out
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produce and start to sell a new product
close down
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stop operating (for companies)
see through (to)
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continue (or help to continue) to the end of sth unpleasant or difficult
see to
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deal with
set to
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start doing sth in a determined or enthusiastic way
set out
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start working on sth in order to chieve an aim
set up
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start (a business, organisation etc)
slow down
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decrease speed
speed up
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increase speed
stand in for
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do sb's job for them while they are not available
take on
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start to employ, accept (work or responsibility)
take over
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take control of (a business etc)
turn down
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not accept (an offer, request etc)

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