Deutsch Perfekt 3

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Domanda Risposta
the boardgame
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das Brettspiel
the type / genus
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die Gattung
the demand
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die Nachfrage
to invent
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to discover
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to cope with somehting
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the head office
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die Zentrale
to put one's foot in it
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ins Fettnäpfchen treten
the feeding bowl
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der Fressnapf
the cheek
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die Backe
the face
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das Gesicht
the overseas branch
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das Kontor
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the teacher
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der Erzieher
the creche
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die Krippe
the graduate
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der Akademiker
the arts / humanities scholar
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der Geisteswissenschaftler
quick / nippy
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in a flash
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der Nu
the adolescent
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der Bursche
the young man
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das Bürschchen
the spoke (wheel)
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die Speiche
although / but
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the ship
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das Schiff
the designer
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der Konstrukteur
the shipping company
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die Reederei

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