devilish phrases

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The devil is in the detail(s)
When it comes to designing a successful logo, the devil is in the detail.
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Diabeł tkwi w szczegółach
We use this phrase to say “the details are important”
To play devil’s advocate
I’m going to play devil’s advocate on this one. Let’s see what other points of view we can come up with.
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Aby zagrać w adwokata diabła
If you play devil’s advocate it means that you pretend, in an argument or discussion, to be against something in order to make people think about it more objectively and in more detail.
(To have) a devil-may-care attitude
He’s a bit devil-may-care, isn’t he?
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miec postawe beztroski, niefrasobliwy
Someone who is devil-may-care or who has a devil-may-care attitude is relaxed and not too worried about the consequences of things they do.
Talk/speak of the devil
Oh, talk of the devil. Here he is!
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Talk/speak of the devil in inglese
o wilku mowa
This is the phrase we say when we’re talking about someone, or you’ve just mentioned someone, and then they arrive unexpectedly.
Sell your soul (to the devil)
he sold his soul
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sprzedac dusze diablu
This means to abandon your values, your principles, your integrity in return for money, power, wealth, status.
To sell out
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Sprzedać się
This means to abandon your values, your principles, your integrity in return for money, power, wealth, status.
Better the devil you know (than the devil you don’t)
Sometimes I feel like quitting my job and looking for something else, but maybe it wouldn’t work out. Better the devil you know, right?
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Lepszy diabeł, którego znasz (niż diabeł, którego nie znasz)
We say this phrase when we want to express the idea that it’s better to stay with a bad situation that you know, than to risk a different situation that you don’t know which could be worse
This is a really devilish crossword.
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cruel, difficult, hard, nasty

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