Dizionario Inglese - Inglese

English - English

mercy in inglese:

1. clemency

2. compassion

As the author claims, all the basic emotions, such as love, guilt, compassion, anger, are essential to living happily and healthily.
Did he feel any compassion for the victim of his crime
The Dalai Lama counsels the practice of compassion.
The tyrant's heart melted with compassion.
He steeled himself against compassion.
Compassion is entirely absent from his character.
Nothing is as important as compassion.
There is no room for compassion in this fight!.
They have no compassion for the community or the individual
We can always count on you for compassion and kindness.
I want to develop my compassion.
a little compassion
So, the real issue is: How do you tangibilitate compassion?
In an overworked doctor, feelings of compassion are soon lost.
Compassion is the basis of all morality.

Inglese parola "mercy"(compassion) si verifica in set:

Headway nigga

3. merciless

merciless kid
only the night is so merciless
There are reports of merciless attacks on innocent civilians. There was no shelter from the merciless (= very strong) heat.

Inglese parola "mercy"(merciless) si verifica in set:

Los sufijos más utilizados en inglés

4. pity

What a pity!
Never confuse pity with love.
That you don't believe me is a great pity.
His terrible suffering aroused her pity.
It's a pity that hang, ocarina and pipa are so unpopular around here.
But probably I'll be the last, which is a pity.
I cannot help you, not but that I pity you.
The presiding judge was touched by pity for the accused.
For pity's sake just shut up and let me drive!
You lost again? What a pity! > Never mind.
It’s hard not to feel pity for unwanted cats and dogs.
Don't pity me.
It would be such a pity if your blog shuts down because of a viral effect...
Pity is akin to love.
Please have pity on a poor blind man!

5. mercifully

Inglese parola "mercy"(mercifully) si verifica in set:

Word Formation (Year 3)