Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

zafascynowany czymś in inglese:

1. fascinated by something fascinated by something

Inglese parola "zafascynowany czymś"(fascinated by something) si verifica in set:

07 English Preposition 3
Kolokwium 1 rozdzial 1-2
słówka strona 24
słówka człowiek
angielski dzial 1

2. passionate about

I am passionate about skiing.
he is passionate about

Inglese parola "zafascynowany czymś"(passionate about) si verifica in set:

3a i 3b on screen b1+/b2
Module 3 angielski

3. fascinated with

Inglese parola "zafascynowany czymś"(fascinated with) si verifica in set:

sztuka kocham sztuka
Lesson 1. Office life
unusual hobbies

4. fascinated

The tourists were fascinated with the exquisite scenery.
Young children are often fascinated by science.
She fascinated me.
The audience were fascinated by his speech.
Arthur is fascinated by Spanish culture.
“I continue to be fascinated by the fact that feelings are not just the shady side of reason but that they help us to reach decisions as well.”
She was fascinated by that Chinese dress.
I was fascinated with him.
Despite being fascinated with English, many Japanese don't even try to study it.
The scientist was fascinated by the new discovery.
I am fascinated not so much by ballet itself as by the way the human body moves.
/ˈfæs.ɪ.neɪ.tɪd/ We ​watched fascinated as he ​cleaned and ​repaired the ​watch. I was fascinated to ​hear about his ​travels in Japan. They were ​absolutely fascinated by the ​game.
The boy was very fascinated.
I've always been fascinated with the hippocampus
I listened, fascinated, to the discussion.

Inglese parola "zafascynowany czymś"(fascinated) si verifica in set:

umiejętności i zainteresowania
spr działa 1