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Domanda English Risposta English
make amends
She tried to make amends by inviting him out to dinner. I wanted to make amends for the worry I've caused you.
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to do something good to show that you are sorry about something you have done
make certain
I think the café opens at six, but let's make certain. I don't want to be standing in the street waiting!
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make choice
Which job are you going to take? You need to make a choice.
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a choice
make a date
I'd love to see you soon. How about if we make a date for next week?
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a date
made a difference
Going to the gym has really made a difference to how I feel.
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a difference
made an exception
Usually the children aren't allowed to watch TV but I made an exception today since the weather was so horrible.
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an exception
make an excuse
Why was Lisa late? Did she make an excuse?
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an excuse
made a fire
We put up our tent, made a fire, and had a hot drink.
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a fire
make a fuss
It's okay! I'm fine, it's just a cough. Don't make a fuss!
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a fuss
a show of anger, worry, or excitement that is unnecessary or greater than the situation deserves
make a journey
Because of the snow, try not to make any journeys which are not absolutely essential
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a journey
make a move
Look how late it is! Let's make a move.
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a move
make a payment
Hello? I'd like to make a credit card payment, please.
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a payment
make a point
The professor used lots of examples to make his point.
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a point
make time
Everybody's busy, but you need to make time to study. Otherwise you won't be able to get a better job.
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find time to do something
make a visit
I need to make a visit to my granny this morning.
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a visit
made one's way
After the film, John made his way to a café, where he had two cups of coffee and some cake.
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do drawing
The little boy spent hours doing a drawing.
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do one's hair/nails
Allie spends ages doing her hair in the morning. Jenny likes to do her nails each week.
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do time
He broke into a bank, was caught by the police, and now he's doing time.
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be in prison

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