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Domanda Risposta
the number of students
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liczba studentów
to admit a student to the university
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przyjąć studenta na uniwersytet
the admissions board
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tablica przyjęć
Military University of Technology
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Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna
I'll do what I can.
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Zrobię, co będę mógł.
an incentive
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a pack of tobacco
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paczka tytoniu
the youth
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a youngster
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an adolescent
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toxic substances
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substancje toksyczne
the most common cause of...
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najczęstsza przyczyna...
detrimental to health
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szkodliwy dla zdrowia
maize / corn
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kukurydza / kukurydza
fallow, idle land
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the staple of my diet
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podstawa mojej diety
to recommend a person for the position of the deputy
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polecić osobę na stanowisko zastępcy
6-year term
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6-letni okres
the restaurant is booked solid
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restauracja jest zajęta

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